Monday, February 27, 2006

The Sickie Ickies

So, my 2 year old is sick today. Not with anything too bad, I don't think. She has a fever around 102 and has been very sleepy all day. If I ask her if anything hurts, she says no. So, for now, we are just letting her rest.

This morning when we started to realize she wasn't herself, I asked her if she wanted to snuggle with me - she quietly said "yes". There her and I were just laying on the couch together. She was half asleep, snorting from her runny nose, but it was the sweetest thing. She just wanted to lay with me while she felt so yucky. I asked her if she wanted to lay in her bed, and she didn't. She just wanted me. I know in 10 years, this will be just a memory and when she's sick or even sad, she won't want to snuggle with me, so I just laid there for 15 minutes and enjoyed our quiet peaceful snuggle time. Eventually I realized even though I loved laying with her, quietly, I couldn't do this all day, I convinced her to lay in her bed... she still looked just as sweet.


Anonymous said...

Barbara, I'm sorry A is sick, I hope she gets better soon & no one else catches it.
Helen :)


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