Monday, March 13, 2006

Geeks & Cakes

Originally uploaded by Svengali.

What happens when you mix geeks and cakes? This is what you get. What is it? This is a Birthday cake for . Why? They were holding a contest to give away an Alienware computer and BOY do we need a computer!

What you are looking at is a cake shaped like a Sony AIBO. Sony is not maing him anymore, so that's why we chose him.

So what WAS this contest all about... read here. But basically, you had to bake a cake -- a REAL cake (no photoshop) and the best wins. Simple, huh? Well, no so much. This baby took a long time. He's not perfect, but I think he's darn good. He's in competion with a lot of Apple products and Alienware cakes, so I am hoping his uniqueness shines through.

The kids enjoyed the fruits of our labors and will probably enjoy them for a few days to come. Keep you fingers crossed for us. :)



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