Wednesday, October 08, 2008


It's been way too long since I posted to this blog. A lot has changed in the last 3 months. My daughter turned 5 and started Kindergarten. My son is in 3rd grade and is now swimming competitively with a local swim club. He has his 1st meet this weekend.  My daughter is determined to swim on the Gators team next summer, although I am not so sure she will be able to make it across the pool in less than a year.

I now work about 5 hours a day in the morning on the week days. It's odd... for the last 4 years I have worked primarily evenings and weekends and in a blink that changed. I am still getting used to getting up at 6:15 in the morning and also having more time with the family in the evening. It's a bit different to get used to. 

I can't believe that fall is here already and Halloween is just around the corner. Our family LOVES Halloween and it's almost time to put up the decorations. Before you know it Christmas will be here!


Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

It's about time you posted a new post! LOL I have been checking and checking! That is so cool that B is on a swim team! I hope A is enjoying kindergarten. :)


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